Julia Rolnik

Who are you?
Dr. Julia Rolnik

Biologist / Head of Support Unit for the Forensic Science Institute / BKA

  • you are a leader.. in what context?

In my unit are about 30 people with a lot of different responsibilities, tasks and topics they are working on.

  • What is most important to you in leading?

To find the best tasks, places and latitude for each person in my unit so they can give their best work and enjoy it!

  • What do you enjoy about it? Why?

I enjoy the diversity of the people working with me and the variability of my own tasks, so every day is different.

  • What were important steps on your way to leadership?

The most important step was to leave my original profession – Biology – to become a leader. That was a difficult decision at that time, but in retrospective it was the right one. And I still have to deal with scientific topics on a daily basis, just not specifically with biological ones.

  • From your perspective…How does being female contribute to your success in leadership?

Being a female leader in a Police working environment can be challenging but I thrive on communication with people of diverse occupational backgrounds. So, I would say me being communicative and diplomatic contributes to my success. I don’t particularly think that are female characteristics.

  • How does being a scientist contributes to your success in leadership?

As a scientist you always search for answers/solutions, you don’t focus on the problem. I think that contributes to becoming a good leader. I don’t focus on all the various problems the persons in my unit have or the problems that concern all of us in the daily working routine. I always try to open my mind and their minds for the solutions or answers to problems ahead.

  • What tips do you have for young female scientists who want to take a leadership role?

I think the most important thing is that you have to really like being with people. So, you have to ask yourself, if you’re willing to significantly reduce your own time actually working in science to become a leader. Being a leader means to mainly work with people.