Kristina Klinker

Who are you?

Name: Kristina Klinker
Profession/Position/Enterprise: Biomedical Chemist / Project Manager Process Technology / Evonik

  • you are a leader... in what context?

Leading multidisciplinary teams within a matrix organization

  • What is most important to you in leading?

I find it most important to create a trustful atmosphere in the team to enable open communication and a culture of constructive criticism. Also, I want to set a good example for my team by self-reflecting on my own strengths as well as improvement areas.

  • What do you enjoy about it? Why?

I really enjoy seeing the effect of a well-working team, which can only be achieved, when everyone is able to bring in their personal strengths. When this is the case, we as a team can reach and even surpass our goals, which is great to see.

  • What were important steps on your way to leadership?

I gained first leadership experience during my PhD at university by instructing & guiding students in the lab. As project manager within Process Technology at Evonik, I lead multidisciplinary teams in a matrix organization.

  • From your perspective…How does being female contribute to your success in leadership?

I can listen and be empathetic while being persistent and sometimes hard in my decisions when needed. Having a daughter of 2 myself, I definitely can relate to other women when it comes to reconcile a career with family.

  • How does being a scientist contribute to your success in leadership?

The analytical way of thinking you acquire as a scientist as well as the capacity to understand a technical problem allows me to quickly sort and structure information for the team and to find solutions to problems in the team in a systematic way.

  • What tips do you have for young female scientists who want to take a leadership role?

Trust in your capabilities, be brave to go new and sometimes unexpected paths and embrace team diversity